Wii System Update 4.2u Download
The Homebrew Channel is the main weapon in the arsenal. It puts the Wii into a state where it waits to load a boot.dol/elf of your choice, which is basically a program a developer writes (kind of like a.exe for Windows).
These programs can range from playing media off your Wii, installing and updating IOS's, managing files on your USB drive or SD card, and much more. The possibility's with homebrew are literally endless. Having the Homebrew Channel onto your Wii will enable to run these custom made programs right off your own Wii.
Click to expand.Close. It'll update your cIOS249 to a newer version. One that doesn't play anything.Here's the situation: games tend to do routine checks for the present IOS'es on the wii, comparing them with the ones on the disc.
Wii Update 4.3 U
If even one is found to be older on the wii, it'll prompt that 'there is a system update' message.And that's the thing: there is an official IOS249. One with a high version count, even. It just doesn't have any code (usually called a 'stub'), so in practice, it'll just remove this softmod.Priiloader is certainly the way to go.
Wii System Update 4.2u Downloads
Otherwise, if you would update, it wouldn't play backups. And if you then reinstall the cIOS in slot 249., Xenoblade will once again prompt that message.unless that has an even higher version.which the newer cIOS'es usually DO.
Wii Update Download
So if you want, you may want to update those things. Click to expand.Just a second.the rule of thumb is that 'IOS' are the official, nintendo-provided things and cIOS are the customly made ones. IOS have numbers below 200 (except the stubs), cIOS'es usually above. CIOScorp/darkcorp is an excption: it overwrites ALL IOS'es with custom made ones to allow it to play backup discs from the disc channel. Unneeded for USB loaders and risky (your wii NEEDS your IOS, so messing with them has a risk).
The latter is probably why priiloader doesn't want your IOS'es messed with: it cannot afford to screw up the installation, as that could brick your wii.