Uninstall Soonr Agent Mac

Uninstall Soonr Agent Mac Rating: 4,5/5 4281 reviews

I'm trying to remove a VSTS agent from a system, but I no longer possess the Personal Access Token (PAT) originally used during setup. An answer on states that I can just delete the agent from the VSTS web UI, but I don't see that option besides nuking the entire agent pool (which is not a great option for us).When I try to run config.cmd remove, these are my results: PS C:agent.config.cmd removeRemoving agent from the serverEnter authentication type (press enter for PAT) Enter personal access token Enter personal access token Exiting. This will not remove all agent information on the server, which prevents you from reinstalling a new agent. To remove everything run config.cmd remove and supply a random PAT string (must be valid length/format though - just generate a new one). It will fail to remove the agent in VSTS/DevOps (which you must do manually as stated above) but it will continue and remove the remaining agent data and allow reinstallation afterwards.

Handy if you installed a x86 agent on an x64 server by accident;-)–Sep 2 '19 at 10:58.

Uninstall Sooner Agent Mac Os

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To uninstall the Symantec Endpoint Protection client for Mac.On the Mac client computer, open the Symantec Endpoint Protection client, and then click Symantec Endpoint Protection Uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection.For versions 14, 14 MP1, and 14 MP2, click the Symantec Endpoint Protection client icon on the menu bar, and then click Uninstall.Click Uninstall again to begin the uninstallation.When you are prompted, authenticate with your Mac's administrative user name and password.You may also be prompted to type a password to uninstall the client. This password may be a different password than your Mac's administrative password.Once the uninstallation completes, click Restart Now. To uninstall the Symantec Endpoint Protection client for Mac earlier than 14For a version of Symantec Endpoint Protection earlier than 14, you uninstall the Symantec Endpoint Protection client for Mac with the Symantec Uninstaller.