The Color Orange Denotes In Microsoft Word
Please.PLEASE.someone tell me there is a way to change the Office 2013 RTM themes beyond just a grey-scale look. All I can see is 'White', 'Light Grey', and 'Dark Grey'.which is equivalent to 'Stormtrooper White', Stormtrooper Light Grey', and 'StormtrooperDark Grey'.
Did the Adams Family design the Office 2013.because everything looks like a flat-styled death theme compared to Office 2010. I'm quite literally getting eye-strain from it. I can see a headache coming on if I try to use this all day.Is there some option I'm missing, some third-party add-on, a registry tweak.or ANYTHING that will add a blue, tan, or any other splash of real color to Office 2013? Also, is there some way to add some depth to the slider bars? Everything looks so flat.anddead. I'm working with these tools all day long.and it's like I'm living in a Twilight Zone episode. I feel depressed after using Office 2013.
You start Windows 8.and see all the crazy colors. Wow.there are colors's like Teletubbies land.
Then, you launch the Excel 2013 app.and all the life is instantly sucked right out of Windows 8. You can feel it in your bones. The Officeapps are a barren, Boot Hill-esque, cold wasteland.with grey and white tumbleweeds and gravestones. Then, you go back into Metro.and's the Skittles rainbow monster voraciously attacking everything in sight. Nom nom nom nom. Big blocks of colorcoming at's crazy man.what a Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas trip crazy!
You are flying sky high with the bats and stingrays. Life is groovy.
You then launch Outlook 2013 and WHAM.there you are.slammed down to the ground.back inFrankenweenie land ready to raise some dead animals or something.How hard would it be to add a color option to Office 2013? Would it literally.take all of 10 minutes to code?
Is there a color option coming soon? the next few weeks soon? If this is Microsoft's new schtick.I'll even accept a 'Dripping BloodRed' or 'Burnt Corpse Greenish Brown' theme option at this point.I'm so color depraved. Why isn't there any color in the number one Microsoft cash cow? Did vampires develop it? Did Trent Reznor manage the project?
Is Office 2013 an homage to BorisKarloff? What's up?Actually.I don't care what's up.I just want to know how to fix it. Really, there is no way to fix it? Complaints about the white GUI, causing eye strain and headaches, is not new. Have a look atin the Office 2013 preview section. This thread started in August 2 and has got a lot of replies until recently.
I think it is time that Microsoft takes this more seriously because I expect this white interface might stop consumer and business adoption ofOffice 2013. Office 2013 has a lot of things to offer, but the GUI design ruins it.Please Microsoft, start listening to your dedicated IT Pro’s here at TechNet!MdeB - Microsoft Partner - MCITP & Computer Enthousiast.
The Color Orange Denotes In Microsoft Word Free
Semi-eagerly downloaded the RTM bits to test today (It's best if us support folks have at least seen the 'new hotness' before we start getting tickets from folks.) and the blinding mono-monochromatic.ness was the first thing that I noticeand it overwhelmed me. Seriously, nobody saw this as a problem?Number two was trying to figure out what window has focus.Try this as an experiment: Open two basic windows, say word and excel side by side. Have your user sit in front and then ask - 'if you start typing, which window will it go to?' The difference between an active and a non-active window is. Black titlebar text or grey titlebar text.
Finding the active window is bad enough w/ default Aero, now w/ Office 2013 it's amazingly worse.The invisible-until-hover scrollbars will make for a nice uptick in tickets. 'My email folders are gone!' .Please, please bring in some tissue-testers. And use a desktop screen larger than 12'.-Seek Truth, and you will find Joy! That's another way of saying this is been 'roadmapped'. Knowing how design updates are treated in Microsoft products, it is likely a proper UI change will occur in the version of Office following 2013. I'd also like it if you could forward to the designteam that the Dark option in Visual Studio 2012 is fantastic, even down to providing the option to type out in light text with a dark background.
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This would be especially helpful to have in Outlook, Word, Excel and OneNote. A modern GUI is shifting over towarddominant darks and accenting lights. It's been proven that on a light dominant color scheme, extended periods of work causes more eye strain than a dark dominant one. If a simple option to provide a similar dark experience like Visual Studio 2012 can be madeavailable via an update that would be quite nice to have.Thank you.