Install Fmodex Linux

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GNU/Linux is a free and open source software operating system for computers. The operating system is a collection of the basic instructions that tell the electronic parts of the computer what to do and how to work. Free, Libre and open source software (FLOSS) means that everyone has the freedom to use it, see how it works, and change it.GNU/Linux is a collaborative effort between the GNU project, formed in 1983 to develop the GNU operating system and the development team of Linux, a kernel. Initially Linux was intended to develop into an operating system of its own, but these plans were shelved somewhere along the way. Linux is also used without GNU in embedded systems, mobile phones, and more often with BusyBox or other such embedded tools.

  1. Fmodex Is Missing

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InstallFmod 1.10 10

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Tutorial kindly sent by Dino Magri (See his )Installing CCV from source codeIf you do not have subversion (svn) do: sudo apt-get install subversionNow you can get the source, create a new directory for that. Mkdir /home/user/CCVcd /home/user/CCVType: svn checkout Linux-ccvNow go the script directory under the CCV source. Cd Linux-ccv/scripts/ubuntu/Give +x permission to the script “” and execute it. Hi,thanks for the tutorial!

This worked, though I had to place the libfmodex files from the Linux 64bit branch of CCV to the directory and apply ln -s. Running ubuntu 10.04 64bit here.then, the error for libfmodex was gone. However, I get a different error now:Linking console executable: bin/CommunityCoreVision/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible./././libs/poco/lib/libPocoFoundation.a when searching for -lPocoFoundation/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible./././libs/unicap/lib/libunicap.a when searching for -lunicap/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lunicapcollect2: ld returned 1 exit statusany ideas how resolve this?